Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Understanding the Obama conspiracy & U.S. takeover

Doug Hagmann exposes the deceit Americans have been living under since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created, similar to what G. Edward Griffin has done in his book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island".

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"...our nation today is ruled not by democrats or republicans, but by the party of royalty with a European mindset and a Globalist agenda. The morphing from a two-party system into one of elite royalty did not happen overnight, but incrementally and under the proverbial radar of a deliberately distracted public.
From the attack on Pearl Harbor to the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, to the Gulf of Tonkin incident through the attack that “changed the world” on September 11, 2001, each event is deeply mired in various levels of deception, controversy, inconsistencies, unanswered questions, and conflicting accounts.
Reasonable people seeking sensible and honest answers and wanting nothing less than the complete truth are routinely vilified and forced into accepting the “official” accounts of the various events being questioned.

Two of the most recent relevant issues that remain mired in controversy and off limits to inquiring minds are Obama’s eligibility status and the attacks of September 11, 2001. Despite “official accounts” regarding the former, the issue remains a legitimate controversy to the extent that Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, has yet to prove his eligibility to hold office under the Constitution of the United States. Despite what has been reported or accepted as fact, Obama has never produced authenticated hardcopy documentation of his Certificate of Live Birth, verification of his social security number and related documentation, his selective service documents, or his official passport records.
Now, those of us who seek only the truth must fight against the putrid hubris of the likes of Obama and his minions, the Clintons, the Feinsteins, the Cuomos, New York Mayor Bloomberg, and others who hold the reins of power. To be completely honest and fair, such unbridled hubris extends to those on the right as well, including the members of Bush dynasty, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham and countless others.
Although they did not create the current perspective, they most assuredly embraced and advanced it. How dare we, the uninitiated and unwashed, question their words and actions?
Can any rational, sane person explain the run-up to, and consequences of the financial crisis of 2008? Our unbridled debt of over 16 TRILLION dollars? As you watch the evening news or listen to political pundits talk of recovery and improving economic conditions, do you wonder what planet they are from, or whether they actually believe their lies? Do you honestly believe that we had fair elections in 2012? How about 2008, 2004 or even 2000?

America was set up from the inside to be destroyed."

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