Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Is your beloved cell phone killing you?

Cell phone manufacturers wish they could transfer their risks to insurance companies, but no insurance company will insure them, even Lloyds of London. In the meanwhile, they are arrogantly forging ahead into bankruptcy, hoping that Congress will bail them out with our tax dollars. Arrogance has worked for Obama so far.

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'Lawsuits dealing with RF radiation from cell phones are working their way through the courts now. In California, two workers compensation awards were given to people with brain tumors based on a link between their tumors and their cell phone use in the workplace.

On Nov. 6, an Illinois man and his wife filed a cell phone radiation lawsuit against several mobile phone manufacturers after the man was diagnosed with a brain tumor in his left frontal lobe. The lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia alleges that years of heavy mobile phone use and exposure to cell phone radiation caused the plaintiff’s brain tumor.

As the lawsuits begin to pile up with no insurance companies to back them, cell phone companies may be relying on the hope that they are “too big to fail.”

“What we have now is a major litigation burden, a vulnerability the cell phone industry has never before been under,” Carlo says. “They’re uninsured for these health risk claims and are already positioning themselves for a congressional bailout, like the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s. They’ll lose a couple of these lawsuits and once they do, there’ll be an onslaught of new litigation against them.”

Carlo maintains that it would be disastrous for society if the cell phone industry would go under. It is estimated that more than 30 percent of investment stocks in retirement funds are tied to telecommunications shares.

That’s why Carlo believes that Congress will devise a way to bail out the industry.

According to Carlo: “The industry thinks they can afford to continue on with this institutional arrogance, endangering millions of men, women and children because, at the end of the day, they believe they’ll not be held accountable. They think they can continue to manipulate consumers.”'

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