Friday, January 18, 2013

Watergate A Non-Starter Compared To Benghazi

Someone else has trouble believing Obama: J.D. Longstreet.

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'Are the American people going to have to wait for another administration to get to the bottom of the Benghazi affair?
It appears to us to be collusion between the Obama Administration and the Mainstream Media—a “vast left-wing conspiracy” to keep the truth of what happen in that murderous night in Libya from the American people.
While all that may be true, may I be so bold as to point out the obvious: SOMETHING NEFARIOUS was going on there. What was it?? Find out what undercover scheme was playing out that night in Benghazi and we will finally know why four Americans were left to fight, alone, for their lives until they were overrun and killed while their bosses, back in Washington, watched the entire play unfold in living color, on their TV’s and lap tops, without raising a finger to save their lives.

How in the name of all that is good, kind, and holy do you justify such a thing? How?

You don’t. You don’t have to. Not when the current, and next, President and the members of the Mainstream Media comprise one very large putrid organism. You don’t have to when the same crowd controls at least half of the Congress, and the other half is scared witless to rock the boat for fear of what that aforementioned Mainstream Media will say about them in print and on air.

We are talking about complicity by the highest officials in the USA in the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, former Navy SEALS Tyron Woods and Glen Doherty and information management officer Sean Smith.'

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