Friday, January 4, 2013

I Repeat, We Must Get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.

This article is no joke and is not funny. When you look at who runs the UN, the awful things it supports, and how much it costs us, you will likely be be revolted and sick to your stomach. Of course Obama supports the UN taking over the US.

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"The only acceptance of any significance in this country comes from Obama and his forty thieves; correct that, he has far more than forty thieves as his co-conspirators agreeing with him and working hand in hand with the corrupt, evil and greedy charlatans ruling the United Nations, but the acceptance referred to above is what comes from dishonest and devious liberal Democrats who follow Obama in lock-step agreement.

That agreement is on the ultimate destruction of America and complete subjugation of all American citizens into the One World’ers and their ultimate goal of domination of everyone on the surface of the earth. And they will do anything in order to complete this task, including death to those who resist."

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