Thursday, January 24, 2013

Obama and the Chinese infiltration

This story by Erik Rush makes me think of the one where the scandal-laced Clinton campaign was accused of selling "things" to the Red Chinese in yet another Clinton scandal. The current story and past stories plus my military background makes me not trust Communist China. According to Wikipedia the online encyclopedia on the Chinagate scandal:

"The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy was an alleged effort by the People's Republic of China to influence domestic American politics prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fund-raising practices of the administration itself.
Twenty-two people were eventually convicted for fraud or for funneling Asian funds into the United States elections. A number of the convictions came against longtime Clinton-Gore friends and political appointees.
Congressional investigators said that the investigations were hamstrung due to lack of co-operation of witnesses. Ninety-four people either refused to be questioned, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country altogether."

Since then, Erik Rush and Jerome Corsi from WND are of the opinion that China is ever so slowly taking over our economy, starting in Boise, ID. I posted Corsi's first article on Free Trade Zones (FTZ) on January 31, 2011. There are two more stories about Free Trade Zones on my blog.

'China has decided to invade the United States, not with tanks and airplanes, but with an army of workers to develop what are being called “free-trade zones” within the U.S., Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reports.

Officials of the China National Machinery Industry Corporation have suggested developing a technology zone occupying 10,000 to 30,000 acres south of the Boise airport for industry, retail centers and homes.

A key argument of Corsi’s book, “America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty,” is that China will not long continue to subsidize the Obama administration’s trillion-dollar annual federal budget deficits without demanding U.S. assets in return.

“This ambitious, long-term proposal would start with a manufacturing and warehouse zone tied to the airport, and could signify a shift in the economic relationship between the two superpowers,” the Idaho Statesman’s Rocky Barker reported.'

Read more about FTZs at

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Erik Rush:

"While the press ignore the relevant charges and left-wing publications ridicule them, some people have discovered through due diligence that there is ample evidence to corroborate what I, Dr. Corsi, and a few other commentators have asserted over the last year or so. We are accused of having no proof or corroboration, yet outside sources (like the Idaho Statesman and even Fox News, for example) have published news articles verifying at least elements of what we’ve claimed.

One must also bear in mind that Chinese corporations are essentially owned outright by China’s communist government. When you grant such an organization permission to build a billion-dollar facility on tens of thousands of acres and consisting of thousands of people in the U.S., what you get is a Chinese military installation residing on our soil, whether it outwardly resembles one or not."

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