Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obama’s Destruction of America On Fast-Track Second Term Start

Jerry McConnell wrote this article for CFP and he is a WWII Marine veteran who fought in the jungle islands of the South Pacific. Therefore I believe him when he describes what combat is like.

There is no doubt in my mind or Jerry's that Obama is purposely destroying the USA.

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"Near the end of Obama’s relatively uneventful first term in the Office of the Presidency of the United States, save perhaps the eventual swamping of debt due to his unproductive monsoon of profligate spending and his woeful and weak attempt to produce a program of national health reform, most folks were sure of his imminent and rapid exit from our once hallowed White House corridors.
Don’t think that Obama hasn’t considered this and planned for it. It fits his plan of destroying America and surrendering our sovereign authority to the corrupt United Nations. Destroy from the ground up; make the electric issue of women’s rights, along with the newly established “rights” handed presidentially to homosexuals that top those of the normal beings in service. The entire bucket of soil has been crafted by the Communist Commander in Chief.

And in that context, you can probably see how his other new plan just announced in the short days after his SECOND inauguration of sending 100,000 American youths to China to study; what else? Why communism of course.
In that Obama spent time in his youth learning from Communist mentors we can only assume that he has intentions of having good old American bred youth shed those misdirected upbringings and replace them with solid communist teachings."

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