Saturday, April 3, 2010

Description of the big-spender scorecard

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a big reason why the country is in a socialist and financial bind right now. All you need to do is look at the CPC statement of purpose to see what money wasters jump out at you: health-care reform (Obamacare), reaffirming the nation's engagement in the United Nations (we need to get rid of the UN and their "elite rule the world" ideas), debt relief for poor countries (foreign aid) and eliminating "environmental threat posed by global warming" (Al Gore stuff). How can anyone support this garbage?

You can link to the scorecard from this article near the end, but I will also post a direct link to the scorecard.


"A man named Dave Kittley created the scorecard using data from He included a red label next to each member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, or CPC, the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in Congress.

CPC was set up in 1991 by then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, in conjunction with Democratic Socialists of America and the far left Institute for Policy Studies. Its statement of purpose reads:

The CPC promotes a strong "progressive agenda," what it calls "The Progressive Promise – Fairness for All."

It advocates a strong public option in health-care reform, fair-trade agreements, abolishing provisions of the Patriot Act, guaranteeing Social Security benefits, minimum-wage increases, extending the Voting Rights Act, elimination of "all forms of discrimination" based on sexual orientation, complete pullout from the war in Iraq, reaffirming the nation's engagement in the United Nations, debt relief for poor countries, eliminating "environmental threat posed by global warming" and implementing strict campaign finance reform laws."

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