Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Liberals Really Think of Us

I could add patriotic veteran to the list who's tired of being called a right wing extremist by the arrogant leftist know-it-alls: Obama, Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, and all the rest of Obama's czar sickos who, it looks like, never did an honest day's work in their lives, and sold some Americans on a false promise of hope. They don't like our country or the way it was founded. They should live in some other country with their socialism and iron curtains, not in this fine country that our troops have given their lives for. I want to live on what I built and saved for without all their bailouts for people who didn't do the work. I want my grandchildren not to have to pay for these tax and spend politicians. Obama is the worst example ever of a pathetic criminal phony and the mainstream news media is in it as thick as he is. My two cents as a veteran and this site is called freedom for a reason.


"We find ourselves in the midst of the latest leftist media attempt to explain to us exactly who and what we conservatives are. You know the drill: racist, homophobic, bitter, gun-slingin’, Bible-totin’ Neanderthals."

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