Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bilderberg found!

This leftist group of people is very dangerous, the Bilderbergs. They are the world government and world court under the UN crowd. They are not a bunch of hippies. They are the elite of finance and government with members belonging to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). They have tried to operate in secrecy for years, meeting once or twice each year. The Federal Reserve could be included here.

“The Bilderberg group will conduct its [2010] annual meeting June 3-6 in Sitges, Spain (a small, exclusive resort town about 20 miles from Barcelona) behind a wall of armed guards who will seal off the resort in a futile attempt to keep the event secret.”

I just read a book called "None Dare Call It A Conspiracy", written in 1971 by Gary Allen, which delves into the hard to believe details of the CFR. The goal is world socialism. Allen looks at powerful people behind the people in office, for example Henry Kissinger, John Mitchell and Nelson Rockefeller behind Richard Nixon (all three were CFR members).

I have abbreviated Allen’s 14 warning signs to freedom to watch out for: 1) restrictions on money leaving the country; 2) private gun restrictions; 3) detentions without judicial process; 4) private finances linked to SSNs; 5) private schools forbidden; 6) mandatory non-military service; 7) mandatory psychological treatments; 8) anti-Communist organizations declared subversive; 9) laws limiting the number of people allowed to meet in a private home; 10) change in passport regulations; 11) non-wartime wage and price controls; 12) mandatory registration of where individuals work; 13) any attempt to restrict freedom of movement within the USA; 14) any attempt to make a new major law by executive decree.

There is much more in the book. You can find it on Amazon.


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