Monday, April 19, 2010

My take on

In response to a post recently about the news that Obama was really born in Kenya, not America, I received this response from a friend of mine:

"And why would you believe a politician from Kenya? Does he have a purpose for talking like this, could it be that he his proposing provisions to their Constitution in line with his thoughts on BHO? I share your passion on opposition to BHO but this birther thing is not fruitful from my perspective. I don’t know much about Worldnetdaily either or the bias it may hold."

He's absolutely right to challenge me and my sources. If I am wrong in your opinion, let me know. If anything we can use more "disinfectant sunlight" to spotlight our thoughts and processes, including me and Obama.

Here was my reply to my friend:

"I think the politician from Kenya is telling the truth and I think is reporting accurately. The mainstream news media didn't cover this or the 9/12 march in DC and Hannity was told by Fox news not to cover the tea party as he had planned to do. Fox's news coverage is good but not great. If you're not familiar with WorldNetDaily they tend to be the first with stories the mainstream news ignores and I have found them reliable. This is like the Clinton News Network as Rush called CNN. Any news that was unfavorable to Clinton or the Democrats was ignored leaving the public in blissful ignorance. Joe Biden knows all about covering for Clinton during his impeachment. Now it is Obama and is he eligible to hold office. I think that there should be at the very least a serious congressional inquiry. Or maybe we should just forget probing any deeper because we would be showing disrespect for the office. Actually, that is why we need to probe deeper."


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