Friday, April 30, 2010

Sick individual: Barack Obama

Another sick individual is Senator Dud (Dodd), who warns that Congress better pass an immigration law soon before other states wake up like Arizona did, and pass their own laws where the federal government has failed to do its job. It has become clear to me why Obama and his minions didn't do their job: if he did, it would get in the way of the international banks setting up the New World Order under the elite UN. Both Bushes and Bill Clinton wanted America partnered in a treaty with Canada and Mexico, and resricting immigration hurts that partnership effort too.

As always, you can disregard periodic requests for donations inserted by the author.


'What kind of sick individual believes that protecting law-abiding Americans from "murderous cartels" is "misguided" or that protecting innocent women and children from "kidnappings and violence" is "irresponsible?"

The answer to that question, of course, is... Barack Obama and the other advocates of so-called "comprehensive immigration reform.'

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