Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The American Iron Curtain

Daniel Greenfield has written a great article. "It is a wall of words. A wall of laws, regulations and mandates." I never would have thought that this topic would be relevant to my blog of Freedom, but watching Obama and his Fabian, creeping gradualism in the military, foreign policy, education, Obamacare, our economy, and our laws makes me think otherwise.

Those who are old enough remember the Berlin wall and the Evil Empire's iron curtain, but there are many young people who do not and are subject to believing the revisionist history being taught in some leftist schools and universities. The mostly accepted official versions of what happened in New York on Septemer 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing and the recent Boston Marathon coupled with the criminal fraud of Obama's "presidecy" and his czars makes me believe that there is a rotten philosophy in America that needs to be purged.

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'In March 1946, Winston Churchill told a Missouri audience, “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia.”

Today a new iron curtain is descending. It encloses the small Missouri town where Churchill gave his speech and all the great capitals of a great nation. Behind the iron curtain lie New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and countless others.

It covers a million streets and hundreds of millions of people. Its shadow passes over stores and factories, homes and schools. It is not a physical wall. There are, as of yet, no border guards with rifles waiting to shoot those wanting to leave, there are no watchtowers or leashed dogs keeping an eye on the inner frontier.

It is a wall of words. A wall of laws, regulations and mandates. The 2012 Federal Register had 78,961 pages. There are 11 million words of ObamaCare regulations alone. With so many regulations, everyone violates a few of them without even knowing it. Assemble all the millions of them together and you have a great wall that would dwarf anything in China

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