Monday, November 18, 2013

We Are Already In Stage One Of Martial Law.

Thanks for the article Philip. I agree with you and Dave Hodges about martial law. As you reported earlier, "Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced a resolution to impeach Obama" and many people agree with that 100%.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin. I quote this with every email that I send.

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'In a nation that prides itself on being the “Land of the free” and “Home of the brave”, a cursory (and realistic) look at the developments in this country since 9/11 will illustrate that America can no longer back up those lofty claims.
Stage one of martial law consists of the gradual roll-out of government controls over citizen liberties. Travel is restricted through inland border checkpoints and travel restrictions carry over into Stage two. The internal DHS VIPR programs which randomly search citizens at public events and on the highways are now in place. Citizens are conditioned by the TSA that they do not control or own their bodies as the flying public is molested by the TSA everyday in our nation’s airports in an extreme violation of our citizens Fourth Amendment rights.
In Stage one, the government elevates itself above any pretense of constitutional liberties.
The NDAA permits the government to arrest anyone without the due process of law and detain them indefinitely without any legal representative.
Stage two is marked by increasing restrictions on travel, the loss of free speech and the right to assemble to air grievances against the government.
Stage two also witnesses the total loss of private property and free will in terms of choice of domicile (i.e. Agenda 21), choice of employment and exercising any form of political choice. In short, Stage two is characterized by creating a political caste system in which the legal rights of certain groups are set in place (i.e. NDAA, Executive Order 13603, etc). The MERS mortgage fraud inspired thievery of legitimate home titles and the MF Global theft of privately secured investment accounts are cases in point. Stage two is often preceded by a false flag attack (e.g. burning of the Reichstag) designed to create a perceived enemy which serves as the excuse for the encroachment of “necessary” tyranny in a society in which “we must trade our liberty for security” approach to governance.
Stage three martial law has given history some of its darkest days. Warrant-less detentions become common place in which suspected political dissidents are removed from society, usually in the middle of the night.'

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