Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Crowd declares '2nd Revolution' outside White House

I know what it is like to be in Washington, DC when a cold wind is blowing and the city is paralyzed under one inch of snow. Although it was not quite that bad yesterday I thank Larry Klayman and the people who put up with the cold and attended Larry Klayman's 2d Revolution.

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'WASHINGTON — Former Reagan Justice Department lawyer Larry Klayman hopes the 19th of November will rank with the 4th of July, someday.

He called the day the beginning of “The Second American Revolution.”
About 200 hardy patriots concerned about the direction of the country gathered on a sunny but chilly day to hear speakers call for two goals: The renewal of America and the resignation of President Obama.
But, the attorney suggested the remedy is in the hands of ordinary Americans.

“In the style of Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and others who have changed history and reclaimed freedom, Americans have no choice – as the three branches of government have completely abdicated their representation of citizens’ complaints. The government needs to fear that the people will rise up if things do not change in Washington, D.C.,” he declared.
Standing nearly in front of the White House, former Sen. Gordon Humphrey, R-N.H., warned, “We are on the doorstep of tyranny, and that is not an overstatement.”
With a candor the crowd appeared to find refreshing, Lyons described exactly why he believes “the rules of engagement are crazy” in Afghanistan.

The admiral noted how U.S. military personnel cannot stop an Afghan man from sodomizing a five-year-old boy or from beating his wife, because of “our need to be sufficiently sensitive to their 7th century values.”
Joseph Farah, WND editor and CEO, also addressed the crowd. He began by saying he’d been wondering where all the Americans have been during this time of “growing tyranny we are seeing in America today.”

In the following video of his speech, Farah explains why he believes Obama is not the problem, but merely the symptom of a much deeper problem – and why, when Obama is gone, America will not be automatically cured of what ails the nation:
Charles Strange began by declaring, “The first casualty of war is truth,” something he may know better than most anyone else.

He recounted the heartbreaking story of the death of his 25-year-old son, Michael, an NSA cryptologist supporting the ill-fated SEAL Team VI mission Extortion 17 that Lyons had mentioned.

Strange and Klayman have filed a lawsuit accusing Vice President Joe Biden and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta of revealing that SEAL Team VI carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, making the team vulnerable to retaliation.
Former Graham County, Ariz., Sheriff Richard Mack called it, “My kind of rally – a bunch of ‘crazy’ people who believe in God, the Bible and the Constitution.”

The former lawman, who was named the National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 1994 and member of the NRA Hall of Fame, claimed he was the first sheriff to sue a sitting U.S. president.

He also said he was the first person to sue former President Bill Clinton on a “nonsexual matter.”
Regarding America’s destiny, the man of the cloth said a “‘true restoration’ will not come from a political messiah. It is in our hands.”

Carl asked Americans to “imagine what would happen if we trusted God and humbled ourselves before Him.”
“God is calling us to return to prayer,” she added, then enunciating her words carefully, she closed with, “May America bless God, again.”'

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