Sunday, November 17, 2013

HELP - Key words, updated Sunday, November 17, 2013

This site is titled Freedom to keep in mind how we got to be a great nation. Limited government will keep it that way. And please don't believe everything you're being told or worse, not being told from the government, the UN and the controlled news media.

About Me
Most of what you read here you won't find in your newspaper. I mainly follow WorldNetDaily (WND) and Canada Free Press (CFP) online. For help with this blog, type "HELP" in the search window (top left) and then click the picture of the magnifying glass on the right side of the search window. To see the underlying stories click on a heading. Or paste a "Read more" link in your browser's address window. Or use the Search window (top left) to look for specific words or phrases, then click the picture of the magnifying glass on the right side of the search window to start looking, for example: mind control. Agenda 21, Bilderberg, eligibility or medical.

I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve. I started this blog in December 2009 after becoming alarmed with where our country was headed, and I still am. I wrote to warn family and friends. Sadly, most seem to ignore the Socialism, treachery and treason that is going on. I am very concerned about the future for my children and grandchildren. See "Bruce, why are you doing this blog thing at all?" Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Link is

HELP - Key words, updated November 17, 2013

1. To view this page again, type "HELP" or "HELP - KEY WORDS" (upper or lower case or a mix) in the search window (at the upper left on your screen) then click the magnifying glass in the right of the search window to start searching. (As I make more updates to this page I will update the date in the heading.)

2. I recently added "Paul Joseph Watson," a writer for Alex Jones', "mind control," "Common Core," "false flag," "Police State" and "Whistleblower" to the list of key words, because that is what Obama is doing with his transformation of America, while some brave Americans are exposing and warning us what our government is up to. Common Core is his big government indoctrinating our children. I added "Criminal fraud" a while ago to describe Obama's offensive socialist "presidency," which offends me every day. I added "Soros" way back when because Obama's puppet master George Soros' name kept coming up in the articles. (If you want to skim to get the flavor of the blog, try "Soros" as your search phrase, and read the stories that come up.) "Cecil Rhodes" leads to a fascinating story. "ACORN" is very informative as it is Obama's old stomping ground.

3. Here at the assisted living center I've met a lot of people who are confused by trying to use a computer, and who don't know what a blog is. Lately I've found that more than a few people don't even care about political news or what the left has planned for them. That's too bad because what's happening or is planned to happen affects not only my children and grandchildren but theirs too. Like the late Paul Harvey, I try to include stories I find that give the story behind the story.

4. The purpose of writing this is to provide help for people reading my blog. A blog, short for weB LOG, is a tool for sharing information. It is like sharing a magazine or newspaper that you can read on your computer. There are blogs on such varied topics as autos, dating, movies, politics, recipes, vacation sites, humor, health, sports, etc. I was alarmed (I still am!) at the direction I saw our country headed in 2009 (Socialism), so I write to warn family and friends about that. Whatever topic you pick there is probably a blog to read. If not, you can start one of your own.

5. Generally when you find a page on my blog, it contains a summary and excerpt of a longer article, with paragraphs quoted so that you can get the gist of the article. Click the heading to read the article. Or there may be text in a different color (a link) to click to read a supporting article. (Or nothing happens if there is no link from that heading.)

6. For articles that were posted on this blog before April 24, 2012, clicking the heading will still work as just described. Then the Google company changed the blogging software to post news articles, such that clicking the heading to view the article doesn't work any more. Now, to view the article, you should find a notice "Read more" followed by the link expressed in language your computer can understand. Use the copy and paste instructions described at the end of this Help description to copy and paste the link into your browser's address window and hit Enter to go there. It's more work to do and I don't know why the Google company changed it. Note that on 7/20/2012 Google updated the software to write the blog making it easier to link to the original article. Click on the red link "Read more" in its own paragraph.

7. Many blogs put key words (labels) following the stories to make them easier to find. Use the Search window (top left) to look for labels and create a list of stories containing them. Or search for specific words that you choose. Then click the picture of the magnifying glass on the right side of the search window to start looking. For example on my blog, "Agenda 21", "Bilderberg", "eligibility to serve" and "medical issue" are some of the labels I used.

8. The sequence I use to display items: 1)heading, 2)my comments, 3)a link to read more in the original story 4)quotes from the article, 5)key words (labels). Click the heading to read the article, or use copy and paste to paste the link into your browser's address window and Enter to read it, or most recently, click the red "Read more" link.

9. For posts containing a video, I show how much time it takes to play, rounding up to the next minute.

10. One of my readers and lifelong friends, the late Edward "Skip" Dreano, liked to read this blog daily while drinking his morning coffee. He was very helpful in suggesting content too.

11. The key words used so far on my blog are: 9/11, ACORN, Agenda 21, Alex Jones, amnesty, Austin, Bilderberg group, biological warfare, Bob Unruh. book, Brotherhood, Bruce, CAIR, Carter, Cecil Rhodes, Censorship, CFR, chaplain, Character, chemical warfare, Clinton, Collectivism, Common Core, conservatism, Constitution, controlled news media, CoR, corruption, cover up, Criminal fraud, czar, David Kupelian, David Ray Griffin, defense, demographics, Disaster, Douglas Gibbs, DVD, economy, education, elections, eligibility to serve, Executive orders, Fabians, false flag, Federal Reserve, Fluoride, Food, Free Trade Zones, freedom, funding, G. Edward Griffin, Gary Allen, get involved, Glenn Beck, GOOOH, Gould, Ground Zero Mosque, guerilla tactics, HAARP, Hagmann, Harry Reid, HELP - Key words, Herman Cain, Ileana Johnson Paugh, Illegal Immigrants, impeach, Internet, Islam, ISNA, JD Longstreet, Jerome Corsi, JFK, jihad, Jon Rappoport, joke, Joseph Farah, Judge Napolitano, Judi McLeod, justice, Larry Klayman, Larry Sellin, law and order, LBJ, left, Lou Dobbs, LTG Boykin, martial law, McDonald, Medical issue, Michael Badnarik, Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, military, mind control, NASA, NDAA, New Madrid Fault System, New World Order, Noah's Ark, North American Union, nuclear weapons, NWO Population control, NY, Oath Keepers, Obamacare, Oklahoma City Bombing, Orly Taitz, OWS, Pastor David Manning, Patriot Act, Paul Joseph Watson, pink slips, Pitchfork Rally, Police brutality, Police State, policy, Posse Comitatus, Prayer, Project 60, Puerto Rico, Quartzsite, Quigley, Quo Warranto, radical Islam, Rand Paul, Ray Stevens, Reagan, religion, Revisionist history, RFID chip, Ron Paul, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, SEAL, Searches and Seizures, Second Amendment, Secret info, self defense, Shariah Law, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Sheriff Richard Mack, socialized medicine, Soros, States rights, statism, Supreme Court, Surveillance, Susan Lindauer, tabloids, taxes, Ted Flynn, Tenth Amendment, term limits, terrorist, The Quran, The Tea Party, Tim Nerenz, torture, totalitarianism, treason, trial, UFO, UN, veterans, war, water, and Whistleblower.

12. Web addresses you can copy and paste to your browser's address window:
After you have pasted an address, press the Enter key to go there.

13. One way to do copy and paste: first, highlight the text you want to copy by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over the text. The highlighted text displays in reverse video.

14. Second, use your Ctrl and C keys to copy the highlighted text into your computer's memory. "Ctrl-C" means press and hold the "Ctrl" key while pressing the "C" key. There are no indicators that anything has happened. (For the sake of completeness, you could use "Ctrl-X" instead of "Ctrl-C" in this second step to move or delete the original text. "Ctrl-X" means press and hold the "Ctrl" key while pressing the "X" key. The text is still copied to your computer's memory for later pasting with "Ctrl-V", but whatever you highlighted with "Ctrl-X" is deleted, at least temporarily, when you enter "Ctrl-X".)

15. Third, position your mouse to the point you want your copied text to be pasted.

16. Fourth, use "Ctrl-V" to paste your text.

17. If you like or dislike reading a blog, there are plenty of them to choose from, or not. It depends on your point of view.


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