Monday, November 18, 2013

The Impeachment of Barrack Hussein Obama

First, thanks to Raya and Philip at Real Conservatives for this information.

It is way past time for this. Lets get rid of that liar and dictator Obama and every law he has made, together with his Supreme Court appointments, and let's get America headed in the right direction.

Let's not stop there, There has been about 100 YEARS of manipulation of the US dollar and the Constitution that needs undoing. Let's undo what he has done to our children and their education. Then there is the Obamacare socialized medicine.

We the people can handle all of these changes. We have already had to handle Obama for several years. Impeachment and its fallout will be like a breath of fresh air.

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"Republicans in the House of Representatives have scheduled impeachment proceedings against President Obama, claiming his inability to halt the federal government shutdown makes him unfit for office.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced a resolution to impeach Obama this morning and referred the matter to the House Judiciary Committee. Senior aides close to judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte say hearings will begin Thursday.

"I think it's high time President Obama be held accountable for his crimes," explains Bachmann, "For two weeks now, vital government services have been disrupted, federal workers have gone without pay and national memorials have been closed - all because of the president's refusal to negotiate over Obamacare.

"This isn't just poor leadership. The Obama administration is corrupt to the core. The scandals surrounding the IRS, Benghazi, Fast in the Furious and Solyndra have shown us this cabal will do anything to stay in power."

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