Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolve to conquer or die

Chuck Norris explains what General George Washington went through in the Battle of Long Island and how he changed his strategy accordingly.

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"The future of our country is not going to hinge upon the Republican Party’s reinvention (as so many think), but upon each of us patriots asking what isn’t working about our approach and modifying our attacks for greater impact in the culture and political wars. You don’t fight and win unconventional wars with conventional weapons – that’s why we lost in November.

The majority voted to continue to be pelted from within the U.S. by the Obama administration and from without by the United Nations’ rogue usurpation of American’s rights. In the past six months alone, the Obama administration has teamed up with the U.N. to enforce Internet intrusions, clamp down on gun rights, further regulate airline industries, utilize billions of U.S. taxpayers’ dollars to expand U.N. global warming control and expand global abortion. And who can forget the proliferation of Agenda 21 and growth of Interpol to enforce new international law?
The big question is: Will the next four years result in the fundamental transformation of the U.S.? The answer to that is: Only if we let it. Freedom is not lost by a single election but by surrendering to everyday assaults on our liberties."

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