Sunday, December 9, 2012

Does Obama Really Meet The Constitutional Definition Of A ‘Natural Born Citizen?’

This long article is the most comprehesive one I have seen on Obama's eligibility to serve. It has always been very obvious to me that Obama is not eligible because his father was never a US citizen, but a British subject. Like most if not all of my readers I have seen the Supreme Court refuse time and again to hear the case, watched Orly Taitz and other attorneys get shot down, watched Jerome Corsi write his popular book, watched Sheriff Joe Arpaio be ignored, watched Pastor David Manning's trial be ignored, and saw Donald Trump's accusations be ignored. So far Obama's controlled news media and his lawyers have successfully scoffed at anybody who would believe that Obama is not eligible, but they always absolutely refuse to answer the simple question of is he eligible. Obama's first Executive order from his first day in office was to seal all his records. A reader said in the comments following the article that there is a hearing coming up in California Supreme Court, so that is probably the next step. Do you remember how Bill Clinton was frequently compared to teflon because none of the accusations against him would stick? Maybe we can get the equivalent of a blue stained dress that is associated with Obama.

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'Our nation does not constitutionally recognize dual citizenship and when our naturalized citizens take their oath of allegiance to the United States they renounce any and all allegiance to any foreign land or person. As weak as some would want The British Nationality Act to be, the Supreme Court’s unanimous definition of Natural Born Citizen remains unchanged.

Our congress and courts have refused to confront this issue and it is a Constitutional crisis for our nation and troops. The media and candidates refuse to ask the right questions, insisting on affirming Obama was born in the USA while disregarding the Constitutional requirements.

Where Obama says he was born is irrelevant. What is relevant is the Constitutional requirement for the Presidency; and the Oath many of us have taken especially those in public office to “… support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God”'

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