Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why I oppose John Kerry

John Kerry is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I would not want him as a dish washer, let alone the Secretary of State. Obama is a jerk for nominating him. As a Vietnam Era veteran, I am totally disgusted with Kerry and his testifying against the troops who fought there.

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'Watching Barack Obama nominate John Kerry to be secretary of state serves as a reminder the radical leftist activists that have hijacked leadership in the Democratic Party continue to operate from an anti-American consciousness that dawned in the late-1960s, condemning the United States, much as did hard-core communists at the time, as an imperialistic military power advancing colonialist aims.
John O’Neill, my co-author in writing the 2004 best-seller “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” has expressed via email that an illness prevents him from taking an active role reorganizing Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth to oppose Kerry’s nomination.
Lipsky reported O’Neill in an email to him had commented that Kerry was “well qualified to be the secretary of defense … of Cuba or Venezuela,” with O’Neill commenting further that Kerry is “certainly an expert on surrender and can run up a white flag with the best of them.”'

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