Friday, December 28, 2012

The Communist in the Room

Erik Rush has it right. We can no longer ignore the attacks on the Second Amendment.

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'I personally abhor the term “gun control” because, like so many other idioms advanced by political operatives, it frames the discussion in peremptory language which maintains a presupposition; here, that controlling guns is necessary, further, that it is something the government is legitimately empowered to do.
Never mind that this is a manufactured fiscal crisis, brought about by profligate government spending, or the orchestrated economic collapse that accelerated its manifestation, itself brought about by the liberals, socialists, and dedicated Marxists now tasked with finding solutions to same.

Does no one see the sheer madness in these exercises?
This isn’t a time for discretion, subtlety, or conciliation. It is a time for calling out our government for what it is, and – as the Founders of our nation did – disengage from those who are too stupid or cowardly to resist slavery. Few in Congress, Democrat or Republican, and likely none of the current administration would escape hanging were America’s founders on the scene at present.

This is not our parents’ or our grandparents’ government – it is one rife with hubris, corruption, and criminality, and one which will soon probably deem that my even saying so is a crime.'

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