Sunday, December 30, 2012

BREAKING NEWS - The Obama Hustle

Thanks Colonel for the article. Finally an honest person, Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka, has come forward.

NOTE: I asked a reliable source at WND after the new year what had happened to this big story. "The story is a misinterpretation of events the happened a year ago."

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"Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that BARACK OBAMA’S HI BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS LEGALLY NON-VALID AND THE WHITE HOUSE IMAGE IS A FORGERY. [emphasis Bruce's]
Many of you have replied to concerned constituents that the matter is settled by the public statements of Hawaii officials, the HDOH birth index list, the newspaper birth announcements, and Obama’s posted short-form and long-form birth certificates. Onaka’s disclosure – the only one made by a HI official under oath –negates all that and fits the vast legal and forensic evidence collected so far, some of which is in my affidavit (privately posted at for NE criminal case #B2-119. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Commander, Mike Zullo (both of whom initially disbelieved the skeptics) have both signed affidavits saying there is legal-quality FORENSIC evidence that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and draft registration are forged. Onaka has now revealed the REASON for the forgery: to hide the non-validity of the birth record. Evidence in my affidavit proves (among other things) that the 1960-64 birth index includes non-valid records."

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