Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out

Think about goose-stepping German soldiers for Hitler back in the 1930s and 40s. Maybe we'll have to relive that history because we didn't learn from it.

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'The Obama has finally begun his now-open for all to see and hear demands for a dictatorship over the [former] United States of America. A few days ago, Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama laid out his demands to Congress for not yet pushing the current USSA (aka “Amerika”) and its people over the ostensible fiscal cliff.
Any one who still has the ability to think clearly and reason logically understands perfectly well what’s going on. We have been taken over by a criminal totalitarian syndicate that has no intention of letting go until every last liberty is destroyed, every perversion imaginable is employed (the only things Obama will allow to be employed by the way) and every last dollar is either spent or squeezed from our cold dead hands. With no one stopping him, Obama will nationalize everything—including us—for his own reprehensible purposes.
For those who say “Obama won this reelection” I say “garbage” and Obama won nothing. The election was “won” via massive voter fraud.
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything”—Josef Stalin.
These have become some of the hardest days of many of our lives. Watching the complete dismantling of our country—including our military, liberties, transfer of our wealth overseas or into the pockets of those who have stolen not earned it—is only the beginning of the torture Obama has planned for the remnant left in what was once our country.

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