Monday, December 31, 2012

Those nasty 'assault weapons'

Joseph Farah has an excellent commentary on why Americans need the Second Amendment, especially so with Obama's increasingly tyrannical and lawless government.

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'So what motivates this “assault weapons” hysteria?

It’s very simple. It’s part of a plan to render the intent of the Second Amendment null and void.

What is the intent of the Second Amendment? Is it to protect hunters’ rights, as some suggest? Of course not. The founders understood that only a well-armed citizenry could ever hold its own government accountable and prevent it from achieving a monopoly on force – a necessary precedent for imposing tyranny.

That’s what happened in the Soviet Union. That’s what happened in Nazi Germany. That’s what happened in China. In fact, that’s what happened before all of the great government-sponsored genocides of the 20th century.

Maybe you don’t think that’s possible here in the good old USA. And maybe you’re right.

But one thing is certain: More guns equal less crime. That’s what all the statistical evidence reveals. Fewer guns equal more crime.

That’s because violent criminals intent on killing innocent people don’t care about obeying gun laws. Gun laws are only effective at preventing law-abiding citizens from getting firearms – firearms that prove to be a major deterrent to violent crime.

Do you think the sick, twisted monster who murdered those little schoolchildren in Connecticut would have been deterred by his fear of breaking a gun law? How absurd.

Here’s the point: Americans have an absolute, inalienable, God-given right to defend themselves – from criminals and from tyrannical government.

It’s time for freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans to stand up to their increasingly lawless government and mean it when they say, “You’ll take my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.”'

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