Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Deconstructing the NIST WTC 7 Building Report

The written account of World Trade Center Building 7 at the Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth web site is understandable although technical. I found that the audio in the 8-minute video was difficult for me to follow because the narrator speaks with a British accent, making the emphasis points different from those spoken with an American accent.

However I totally agree that a new 9/11 investigation is required to set the record straight as to the technical points of the steel beams and columns.

Probably more important and potentially much more devastating is finding out what really happened that day. Was the American public being deliberately misled so people would get behind Bush in a war? What was Cheney doing that day? Why wasn’t Bush surprised at the news? How come certain foreign nationals were permitted to leave the country during the air travel shutdown? What were certain federal agency heads’ motivations? Was the event a false flag like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which LBJ used to get our country involved in Vietnam, or like Pearl Harbor, where some sources say FDR had two years advanced notice of the attack. Will we have to wait 50 years for certain people to die, as in the recent discoveries of the JFK assassination, before the government releases classified information? The Warren commission was a poor joke. We haven’t heard enough about the details of the Oklahoma City bombing either. Who called people the day before and told them not to come in for work the next day?

Think back and ask yourself, who do you trust to tell you the truth? The news media? The government? Clinton? Bush? Obama? The new Common Core education for our young people? It seems that the deeper you dig the worse it gets.

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"In the October Blueprint, AE911Truth published the conclusion of Chris Sarns’ five-part series in which he documented five key misstatements in NIST’s explanation of the initiation of collapse of WTC 7. August had previously seen the introduction of four short videos produced by a small team of international, independent researchers who are working in collaboration with AE911Truth. These analyses can be understood by anyone willing to study the details.

We expand here on the last of the four videos, entitled ‘MaladmiNISTration,’ as it introduced new information following NIST’s June 2012 Erratum document in which they admitted errors in their report.
When a small team of citizen activists can discover major discrepancies and careless errors throughout what should have been the most critical and carefully reviewed part of the entire report, then what confidence should anyone have in the rest of that report, or NIST's other reports about what happened on 9/11? Indeed Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth has documented dozens of other examples of fraud in the NIST reports in our landmark DVD 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out."

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