Sunday, December 15, 2013

Navy Yard shooting: psyop, loose ends, media parrots

This September post from Jon Rappoport is also the way that I view the controlled news media and the government's handling of shootings. The story is also tailored to support Obama and Diane Feinstein and their attack on citizens and guns.

Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years.

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'After covering a number of mass shootings and bombings over the last 20 years, I question the official explanation when a new one occurs. Automatically. Always. Every single time.

They lie. They obfuscate. They parrot. They don’t investigate beyond a comfortable point. They leave loose ends, which are often far more important than the supposed central facts.

And there is always a psyop after the event. It goes like this: “tragedy,” “unspeakable,” “will bring to justice,” “our thoughts and prayers are with,” “this didn’t happen in a war, it happened here,” “vigil for victims,” “grieving,” “closure,” “nation mourns the loss.”

Why is this a psyop? Because the government officials and mainstream media reporters don’t feel what they claim to be feeling. Their “positions as leaders” feel something, which is the same thing as saying it’s an act.

Beyond that, the purpose of the psyop is to divert attention from the fact that law-enforcement officials are bending the investigation, abandoning significant leads, and taking the short path to a “satisfactory” wrap-up.

To boil down the psyop: “it was tragic, and now it’s solved.” One, two. Open wound, closed wound. That’s the government/media formula.'

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