Wednesday, October 10, 2012

U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

It seems that Hillary Clinton and Obama support the UN taking over America with Agenda 21. I still think it is past time to get rid of the UN and the foreign aid that we can no longer afford. Be glad you don't live in Romania.

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"President Obama is going to make good on his promise to spread the wealth around through his global tax plan, the UN global governance, a plan to steal from the United States and distribute our wealth to third world nations that are really the backbone and the reason for the United Nation’s existence. United Nations is no longer the peacekeeper it was intended to be and it does not represent the interests of the United States.
All the foreign aid that we give third world nations is never used for good – it buys weapons to further the wars between factions in third world nations that are fighting for control and dominance. Those in power take the foreign aid that becomes the means to succeed in their plans to control the population and keep it poor, undermining free enterprise and economic freedom.
All these taxes are part of the master plan for global redistribution of wealth from the United States to the third world via the stewardship of the United Nations under the umbrella of global governance. The global transfer of taxes is not going to help poor people in third world nations. The money will go to the corrupt dictators who run these nations and dominate the discussion and policy at the United Nations.
Is this the kind of country we want to live in? Do we want to give up our wealth, weapons, the ability to defend ourselves, our economic freedom, our property, our country, our way of life, and sovereignty to the United Nations, run by tin pot third world dictators, in the name of “social justice” dictated by Agenda 21?"

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