Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Liberal Treason Explained: “The Kindergarden of Eden”

When I first read this article, I thought it is too wordy. But by the time I got to the end I was impressed with the way Jim O'Neill described how a liberal mindset works and how it arrives at the conclusion that America is evil and should be destroyed a la Obama. I will try to abbreviate the essence of the article and you can decide if you want to read it. I still support death for treason in wartime though it is not politically correct to some of today's senior military officials.

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'“If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God and science—most obviously Western Civilization—has ever created. ...The Modern Liberal will invariably and, in fact, inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.”—Evan Sayet “The Kindergarden of Eden”
Of all the harmful doctrines promulgated by liberals, perhaps none has been as devastating in its effects as relativism. Put simply, relativism is the belief that there is no such thing as objective truth—truth is relative—one person’s “truth" is no more or less valid than another person’s. Relativism has been incorporated into several insidious offshoots such as moral relativism, cultural relativism, deconstructionism, postmodernism, political correctness, and multiculturalism.
Moving right along, let me next touch on the decline and fall of American education—triggered in no small part by members of the Frankfurt School. Most readers are at least somewhat familiar with the Frankfurt School—that group of German Marxists who were welcomed into the United States during the Nazi’s rise to power in the 1930s. Members of the Frankfurt School repaid America’s largesse by stabbing her in the back and spreading an especially virulent form of anti-Americanism throughout US academia. Perhaps the most infectious carrier of their disease was Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979).
Sayet’s description of the modern liberal mindset is summarized in the quote that opened this article: “...the Modern Liberal will invariably and, in fact, inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.”

For those who know the history of the radical left in America and its infiltration and subsequent takeover of America’s educational system (via Roger Kimball’s “tenured radicals”), then Sayet’s observations are perhaps not that surprising, but to the bulk of “we the people"they will be startling indeed.

Most Americans are still unaware of the tremendous inroads that relativism and Marxist theory have made in our culture, and most conservatives have yet to hear of Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay “Repressive Tolerance“and remain unaware of its huge impact on liberal thought. In his essay Marcuse essentially makes the argument that being tolerant of anything but Marxist ideology is anti-revolutionary. In short, all conservative, freedom loving, capitalist, pro-American thought or speech is intolerable, and must be shut down, ridiculed, and banished whenever and wherever it is encountered—without exception. Say goodbye to free speech, and say hello to political correctness and the infamous liberal double standard.'

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