Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ryan let VP debate knockout slip away

Larry Klayman's observations of the debate.

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'If you think the younger generations can’t verbally communicate – given their obsessive fixation on cell phones, text messaging, Facebook and their Cro-Magnon use of the word “like” about three to five times in each poorly articulated mumbled sentence – then they certainly do not have our vice presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan, to look up to as an example of better verbiage.

Last night’s debate was an exercise in obfuscation, poor phraseology and unnecessary – if not stupid – concessions. Vice President Biden exhibited juvenile behavior, bad manners and a lack of class. In fact, if Biden weren’t “low class,” he would have no class at all!
Ryan’s unnecessary bows to Heckel and Jeckel were unnecessary, and they made him (and his boss, Romney) look less than serious about defeating the most evil and destructive administration in the history of the republic on Nov. 6.

Winning the White House takes a “killer instinct,” particularly given Obama’s and Biden’s ruthless socialist and ultra-leftist philosophy – first perfected by the Bolsheviks at Red Square – that the ends justify the means. Even with the electoral map looking somewhat better for Romney and Ryan after Obama’s collapse in the first presidential debate, Obama and his partner in crime, Biden, are only down but hardly out. Like the ruthless Bolshevik thugs they are, expect some major gambits and outrageous acts in the days ahead to destroy Romney and Ryan so they and their leftist minions can retain control of our so-called government – to dominate our lives, remove our freedoms and redistribute wealth to them and their friends, communist style.'

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