Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tyranny Through Education

This article by Joe Otto of tells of Common Core being tried out in a Maryland school. Just what we DON'T need in our children's education. This bright idea came from the useless Obama administration.

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'“What is your religion?” “What is your parents’ political affiliation?” “What is your sexual orientation?”

Dear American Patriots … What do ANY of these questions have to do with your child’s education?

Answer: the Obama administration and his new, intrusive Common Core program. Your child will be grilled with these kinds of questions, and many, many more just like it dealing with your income, family structure, sexuality, and other hot-button issues that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH EDUCATION and everything to do with politics and indoctrination.
The Blaze caught wind of those very questions listed above being asked to 10th graders in the Montgomery County School District, in Maryland.

Maryland, if you remember, is the same state where concerned parent Robert Small was ARRESTED for asking questions about Common Core.

So just the other day, The Blaze found out high schoolers were being FORCED—not asked, but FORCED—to go to a website called Edline and answer the questions above, along with things like:

“Who is to blame for the government shutdown?”

“What do you think about Obamacare?”

“Should assault rifles be banned?”
When parents found out about the intrusive questions, they naturally contacted the school. A Blaze reporter also began to ask questions.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) used to protect the privacy of kids. But last year the regulations were changed. Now, every single bit of information a school collects under the Common Core program can be shared among federal agencies and sold to private companies—with no parental consent and in many cases, NO OPT-OUT.
A teacher responding to criticism of Common Core said: “I am a teacher that understands and dislikes Common Core, and I do not know of any teacher that likes the program. It is another example of BIG GOVERMENT taking over more of our lives. We do not need a Department of Education at the federal level, because states know their educational needs better than Washington. States may disagree with what the federal government mandates to them, but they will do whatever they have to for federal money. Common Core and many many programs get into our educational system in this manner. Doesn't this sound like the way big government is trying to take away our freedoms? Citizens of this country better wake up and stop big government, which needs to begin within our educational system.”

She goes on to say, “Youth do not see a need for education or work when big government will take care of their every need. Hard-working and educated taxpayers are tired of big government forcing us to pay for this type of dependency on the government. Our present administration wants complete control of every aspect of our lives. I am glad that I was educated at a time when government wasn't trying to destroy this great nation. I still fight the system and try to teach children in a way that will help them to keep our liberties and preserve this great nation.”'

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