Friday, October 4, 2013

“Revolution Beyond Borders” Comes to America

There are many simple questions that Obama and hie supporters have not allowed to be asked, such as, "Now that your birth certificate has been proven to be fraudulent, why aren't you and your cohorts in prison?" and "Give us the complete story of your socialist/communist background."

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'Professor Paul Kengor has the question: Has Obama ever been influenced by Marxist ideology? The answer in the affirmative helps explain why Obama is so determined to crush the political opposition and take complete control over the budget process in Washington, D.C.
Although Obama hasn’t been asked about his communist mentor Frank Marhall Davis and how Davis’s Marxist ideology influenced the future President, we can anticipate that he would adopt the de Blasio technique of blaming his political opponents for bringing the subject up.

The current budget impasse provides an opportunity to educate the American people about the “Revolution Beyond Borders” that has come to America. The evidence cannot be denied, despite the media’s failure to ask the President about his background in Marxism. We are faced with a Marxist in the White House who is determined to crush the opposition.'

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