Monday, October 7, 2013

The shutdown is a good thing

An article by Pamela Geller says that we the people would be forced by Obama's government to participate in the socialized medicine Obamacare but Congress would be exempt.

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'Meanwhile, as the shutdown dragged on, it was revealed that those who are bent on forcing Obamacare on us don’t have to suffer it themselves. Congress is exempt from Obamacare, but I have to have that cr-p? Anyone who works for the state gets special treatment.
And so the government is shut down, except for essential services – like sending the CIA to Syria to train al-Qaida jihadists. Yes, there is plenty of money for that, and for sending armed guards to keep Americans away from memorials and monuments that don’t have as many staff members when they’re operating as they have now to make sure people know they’re closed.
Where he once strutted like a peacock and encouraged (demanded) that the legislation be called Obamacare feeding his insatiable ego, now he knows that it is a nightmare, and is trying desperately to “rebrand” Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act. Of course, his media machine goose-stepped to Dear Leader’s command. WND reported that “two of America’s largest mainstream media outlets have decided reporters should cut down on the use of the term ‘Obamacare,’ fearing it’s gotten too negative of a connotation” – Associated Press and National Public Radio.
But the Blame-the-Republicans game continued. What else is new? It’s what they do. But if the Democrats would agree to Congress participating in this fiasco along with the rest of us, the shutdown would be over. Everyone goes down with this ship.

Instead, Obama keeps insisting that he absolutely does not have to negotiate anything. How presidential! How representative of all the people!
Thomas Sowell said it best: “There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going – except for Obamacare.'

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