Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sarah Palin Warns Obama of Impeachment!

I think the only way to get Obama's attention is to threaten him with impeachment and prison. Otherwise, he will just continue to ruin our economy on purpose with his socialism and disregard for our Constitution. Expect his supporters to claim racism.

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"Isn’t this why we grassroots conservatives love Governor Sarah Palin so much?

For the last few months I have been fielding many of your emails to Eagle Rising, and by far the questions asked most often are: Why isn’t anyone doing anything about (Blank)? Why hasn’t anyone started impeachment proceedings? How is President Obama getting away with all of these illegal actions?
So when I read that she warned the President that he was treading on ground that could get him impeached, I was not surprised. Because all of you, dear readers, have been saying the same thing for months."

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