Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Occupy Wall Street & the planned “endgame” for the U.S.

This is long but fascinating reading from Doug Hagmann and Joseph Hagmann. You get a real good look at what happened years ago that laid the groundwork for what is now Occupy Wall Street. The left and the controlled news media have been covering up the story for years.

I care about following this stuff because it is headed to a future where my children and grandchildren will live it.


'Based on our investigative findings, we have arrived at a very startling and irrefutable conclusion. We are witnessing the orchestrated destruction of America. Soon, in the streets of the U.S., we will see some of the most violent events in modern history take place, likely to result in the implementation of public curfews, restrictions on travel, and possibly even Martial Law. That appears to be the plan. It is not a new plan, but one that has been in the works since the early twentieth century. We have created an in-depth report that reveals the individuals and groups behind these events, their motives, tactics and methods. The following is a summary of that report and our investigative findings.

“Occupy” is a sophisticated operation

To call the Occupy Movement a “movement” is to do it an injustice. We have found that it is an operation launched by the very same people who should be the actual targets of the protesters. Instead, it is the one percent global elite who are organizing, directing, and funding the operation behind the scenes. Their purpose is to create chaos and deflect the blame away from the actual financial terrorists to targets of lesser importance.
A half-century ago, the protestors and domestic terrorists were Dohrn, Ayers and their associates. They were the exuberant dupes at a time when globalism was still in its infancy.

Today, they are the mid-level leaders, along with some new associates, while working in positions of education and influence. Dohrn, for example, is an Associate Professor at the Northwestern University School of Law.
One of the final stages of the globalist agenda, however, occurred with the selection of a virtual unknown community organizer from Chicago with a Marxist-Communist ideology and heritage to be the President of the U.S.  Barack Hussein Obama, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was also groomed for his current position by the powers of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Specifically, it was Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller who served as his foreign policy advisors.'

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