Tuesday, February 21, 2012

NDAA - Part III or FEMA Doc And NDAA Could Bring Martial Law Crackdown

Once again Tim Watts raises distubing questions. What is our government expecting to happen? Why do local police departments need large amounts of firepower and riot gear? What is FEMA up to? Why?


"At the same time that the Senate was debating S-1867, the NDAA for fiscal year 2012, it appears that according to a recently uncovered Federal Emergency Management Agency document, FEMA was hammering out its own plan which appears to outline a martial law takeover via Continuity of Government (COG) through the engineered collapse of our economy. The nefarious powers that be might very well employ use of the Hegelian principle, whereby they create a seemingly insurmountable problem (collapsed economy), then wait for the pained reaction (people desperate for food), before eventually offering a secretly prearranged solution (new currency system) which wouldn't normally be accepted under non-threatening circumstances.
Make no mistake about it folks, we're purposely being steered on a pre-mapped course for destruction. It is the educated opinion of many that the ultra-rich powers that be have engineered every bit of this to drive us into their new world order. An orchestrated plan is unfolding for our demise and their benefit.

Economy is tanking badly, sliding into a complete collapse.

NDAA provides for indefinite detention and military law enforcement.

SOPA and PIPA threaten internet free speech.

White House initiates SIP to guard against "extremism."

FEMA NCP plan outlines US continuity of government takeover.

If you're not alarmed about all of the sudden new legislation in 2011 that threatens our freedom and our bill of rights, then you're just not paying attention."

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