Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get Set for The National Continuity Coordinator

While doing research on secrecy in government I stumbled onto 9/11 again. The events of that morning haven't been investigated well and here is a 4 1/2 page article to that effect.


'And before one dismisses such a notion as "conspiracy theory”, perhaps some insight is found by examining the testimony of former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 1, 2007...
The "conspiracy theory" that cannot be accepted is the one proffered by the government. It states that 19 Muslims hijacked four passenger airliners with knives and box-cutters, flew them uninterrupted into two buildings in New York and the Pentagon in D.C., with the fourth crashing into a field in Pennsylvania. No major debris of the enormous passenger airliner was recovered from the Pentagon site. The Twin Towers in New York suddenly collapsed into their own footprints, while a third building also followed suit despite never being hit by a plane.
But it provided more insight into the mindset of the media, which has a responsibility and duty to find and report the truth of government actions and nefarious activities to the public to which the government ought to be accountable. Given the fact that the media isn't doing its job and Congress hasn't done its job in a very long time, ...'

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