Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Janet Napolitano - again!

Attached is a letter from Denis Whitfield I received this morning. It is similar to a note I sent to a friend yesterday about why the Patriot Act should NOT be renewed.

My note:
The problem with the Patriot Act, and why it should not be renewed, is Obama and his communist dictatorship. He lies and I don't trust him a bit. He is interested only in his welfare, and has the legislation buried. He is not interested in the citizens or the troops or safety. He wants control and power no matter what the cost. He likes to do things during crises or holidays when people's attention is somewhere else. A scumbag if you will."


Dennis' letter:
"Dear Bruce,

Yestrerday I sent you the email below about a disturbing story regarding the Obama administration's decision to monitor website and social media internet postings.

Because it was late in the day when I sent it, I am sending it again this morning so you have an opportunity to read it.

Many times government programs like this seem worthwhile. However, it is not the program or the federal employees doing the work that should concern us, it is the *misuse of data by political appointees and opponents that should give us all pause.* We must ensure that freedom of speech is still free and that conservatives opposed to government-run health care, ACORN funding, a weak foreign policy and liberal values are not targeted. [emphasis added - Bruce]

Please take a moment to read this and support our efforts as we fight for you.

Also know that CPAC is this week. You may remember Rush Limbaugh's speech at CPAC last year. This year Glenn Beck is a featured speaker. CPAC is hosted and sponsored by the American Conservative Union Foundation and co-hosted by more than 90 others. We work all year to put together CPAC. Hopefully you will have an opportunity to view some of the events on C-Span or other news channels later this week.

I look forward to your support on the letter described below.

- Dennis

------------- ORIGINAL EMAIL -------------------

Dear Bruce,

Last Saturday, in a story not widely circulated, Obama's Department of Homeland Security admitted they are monitoring the comments and posts of Americans on websites and within social networks like Twitter.

This raises some serious concerns.

In an ABC News report the Department of Homeland Security said they were monitoring the sites during the Olympics to increase security and detect threats. No one wants the Olympics to be threatened or for any American or foreign athlete or spectator to get injured.

However, the Department, led by liberal Secretary and politician Janet Napolitano, has a history of trying to suppress conservative opponents of the President.

This latest news with an admission that they are monitoring the comments of Americans begins to raise concerns about big brother and the security of individual Americans.

We need to be absolutely sure that the political views of Americans - especially those with conservative views critical of the President - are not being monitored for political suppression.

Someone needs to ask these questions. We need confidence that conservative Americans are not being monitored for their opinions.

Sign the ACU letter here, now. Ask that Obama's Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano assure American's that our political views are not being monitored.

Last year you may remember the uproar over the official DHS report Napolitano requested that attacked conservatives as extremists.

It was a formal Federal Government paid report titled: "Rightwing Extremism."

This report said among other things: "Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements ... and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

First Napolitano's department sought to tie the word "hate" to those who favor state's rights - in essence the form of democracy created by our founding fathers. Secondly, it sought to label as dangerous those who oppose abortion or who favor a crackdown on immigration. But there is more...

Obama and Napolitano's official report also said: "Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election (Obama's election as President) as a recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship ... and restrictions on firearms ownership and use. Rightwing extremists are increasingly galvanized by these concerns and leverage them as drivers for recruitment."

So, if you believe in the Second Amendment to the constitution or if you disagree with Obama's policies - you too can be dangerous according to Janet Napolitano and the Obama administration.

... After a weekend where we saw former Vice President Dick Cheney argue that the Obama administration has taken its eye off the ball in the real fight on terrorism, Napolitano's Department is admitting they are monitoring websites and social media feeds for "increased security..." Maybe they should be monitoring foreign terrorists not Americans.

In light of her past actions it makes one wonder what they are really monitoring or how Napolitano might use the data.

Sign the ACU letter here, now. Demand that Obama's Secretary Janet Napolitano assure American's that our political views are not being monitored for political purposes.

When Napolitano's report came to light last year it was also revealed that it included passages saying the American government should be afraid of returning troops coming back from war.

... In effect her report said we should be afraid of veterans. It said, "rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat."

CNN reported the American Legion's national commander, David K. Rehbein, said in a letter to Napolitano that, "I think it is important for all of us to remember that Americans are not the enemy. The terrorists are."

Her response was to say "I know that some veterans groups were offended by the fact that veterans were mentioned in this assessment, so I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended."

However, this apology did not include an apology to the millions of conservative American's who did not vote for Obama, who do not support his policies and who are not radical but average, concerned Americans - the same Americans who have attended Tea Party protests, events like CPAC or who have supported the ACU.

Now we find out that she and her Department are monitoring website posts and other internet networks.

We must make absolutely sure this will not be used in any way to limit the freedom of speech.

Sign the ACU letter here, now. Demand that Obama's Secretary Jane Napolitano assure American's that our political views are not being monitored for political purposes.

Do you remember last summer when ACU warned you about White House attempts to track emails?

The Dallas Morning News had reported the Obama White House government official website called for supporters to track "disinformation" about healthcare legislation. Another report from the Syracuse Post-Standard newspaper noted the White House told their supporters "If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it." They then provided a special email address just to track opponents.

The Obama White House has a history of trying to track political dissent.

Thousands of American citizen petitions - your sigantures collected right through our ACU petitions - were sent to Senator Lieberman and Senator Collins, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs asking for a Congressional investigation into the White House's public attempts to track and suppress political opponents aligned against President Barack Obama's health care proposals.

As a result the White House scaled back this effort and it disappeared.

Now they are tracking internet postings.

They paid for reports critical of veterans, gun owners and those with conservative political views. They created a program to track messages and email addresses of those opposed to government run health care. Now the administration - the same Department led by Napplitano that issued the anti-conservatives report is admitting to monitoring website posts and social networks.

It is important to ensure this data is used for legitimate law enforcement and anti-terrorism activities... not for political attempts to track opponents.

Please sign the letter here, now and support ACU's efforts to demand an answer to the question: are they using this data to track political opponents?
Thank you for your continued support.

We can assure you that ACU will continue to "monitor" the Obama administration to sensure that our nation remains free.


Dennis Whitfield
Executive Vice President, American Conservative Union
former Reagan Deputy Secretary of Labor"

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