Monday, January 27, 2014

Soros Took Over our White House – Jarrett Demoted & Plouffe Gone

Little Tboca of had this story. This headline is bad news for America. Socialism just took a giant step. Billionaire George Soros is the puppet master for Obama and did his work behind the scenes, until now. John Podesta is his ruthless hatchet man. We are probably much closer to the New World Order and a world currency replacing the dollar than we have ever been. Watch our country go bankrupt as once-healthy cities and states lead the way. People who think that the government and FEMA will save them will be proven wrong. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan who said, big government is not the solution, big government is the problem.

Now we'll find more shoes dropping. These people are all business and if you don't get the job done, you're out.

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"Basically there’s been quite a shake – up in the White House and the Democrats and George Soros are doing the shaking. They’ve been the brunt of all Obama’s political blunders and have grown weary of their Commander in Chief’s screw ups for the past five years.
Obama the community organizer has Democrats breathing down his back saying basically – you ain’t getting the job done “pres” and we have an election coming up in 2012. Obama, the community organizer decided to reopen his internal political operations office and gave a warm “fuzzy” to the Dems by putting David M. Simas, his current assistant in charge of the operations office.
Stage left in comes George Soros and guess who he brought with him? Old George brought John Podesta his personal hatchet man. John Podesta is without a doubt one of the most vicious evil political progressives in our Nation. In fact George Soros, David Simas and John Podesta are now the “go to” men who will be running our Country now."

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