Monday, January 6, 2014

Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial Law

Kit Daniels posted this on Prison, Alex Jones' web site, on October 26, 2013. It describes and contains two videos about gun confiscation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Unfortunately for us citizens of America, recent gun confiscations indicate that Army Military Police could once again be acting under FEMA and under martial law declared by Obama. Under martial law, the rights we have under the Constitution are suspended and we are controlled by the Commander in Chief, the dictator Obama, who hates the Constitution and America, and has been doing his very best along with the well-armed DHS, NSA, the TSA, Valerie Jarret, Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to ruin our freedom and our democratic way of life. I hope it doesn't happen, but stay alert.

If you are a Christian that is also in conflict with Obama.

4-minute and 8-minute videos. The second video is a shocking display of how the Army can be misused in America. Especially watch out now after Obama has fired senior military officers who disagree with him, forced the military to accept homosexuality, and DHS warns that veterans are likely terrorists.

Watch out for false flags. I believe that Obama could lie and make up a crisis to justify his actions, much the way that Hitler did with Reichstag. I have no up-to-date information on the actions of the Bilderberg group or the CFR, but they would likely be part of a globalist takeover of our country.

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"The video, shot in September 2013, shows an army commander briefing the MPs on their new command structure under the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security for domestic operations with the National Guard.

The MP began recording the exchange after being shocked to hear that they were now under FEMA control.

In this video you can clearly hear the commander discuss the suspension of the Constitution for martial law and gun confiscations in America.

In essence, the military police is to provide security for FEMA while the agency confiscates our guns during a government-declared domestic crisis."

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