Monday, January 13, 2014

Feds Take Away Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights!

Joe Otto wrote this article about the arrogant dictator Obama vs. veterans.

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"There’s not a lot coming out of Washington to celebrate nowadays. Every day brings a new battle where we must push back against an overreaching Federal government that is more interested in fostering dependency than promoting individual liberty.

In many cases, we look at what the Federal government is doing, and just shake our heads… But sometimes, the news is so tragic and depressing that you can’t help but weep for how far this great country has fallen…

While we have spent the past year fighting to protect the right of the People to keep and bear arms, the Obama administration has been quietly waging a war against the Second Amendment rights of our veterans.
You see, Pat Kirby went to the Veterans Administration to get treatment for the disabilities born out of his military service in Vietnam. While at the VA, Mr. Kirby filled out paperwork and wrote that his wife takes care of the family’s bills and finances. When a bureaucrat handled the paperwork and saw this, Mr. Kirby was labeled as “incompetent” and a letter was sent out ordering him to forfeit his firearms.
Think about how ridiculous this actually is. Sgt. Pat Kirby fought for his country in Vietnam, where he earned a Bronze Star and multiple Purple Hearts. This man is a hero, plain and simple. He is just one of the countless heroes who sacrificed to preserve our Constitution and our way of life. Now, he is being threatened with jail time if he does not give up his Second Amendment rights.

The truth is, however, that Sgt. Kirby is just one of many veterans who have quietly been stripped of their constitutional rights this year. Since taking office, the Obama administration has stripped more than 100,000 veterans and their families of their Second Amendment rights! If that doesn’t make you furious, I’m not sure what will!"

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