Tuesday, February 5, 2013

President of the Lie

Here are a few paragraphs by David Kupelian on why Obama is constantly lying, that he wrote in the May 2012 issue of Whistleblower magazine. Unfortunately, some powerful Democrats sound like they believe him, and a whole bunch of clueless morons eat it right up.


‘In one respect, the reason for Obama’s constant deception is obvious and understandable, He’s committed to leading a center-right country far to the left. How could he possibly succeed if he were honest about where he really is heading? Only a small percentage of Americans would follow. So he lies.

Unfortunately, there’s an even uglier aspect to this. You’ve heard about Obama’s notoriously “thin skin” – his near-total inability to handle criticism, to graciously deal with opposition? I’ll paraphrase Peck’s explanation of such extreme narcissism.

To maintain the illusion that you’re right all the time, even though you’re profoundly wrong, not only do you have to lie, confuse other people and tempt them to doubt the truth about you and your intentions; you also have to scapegoat the innocent.

And just look at our beloved country today. Led by Obama, the liberal-left media-fed culture scapegoats and demonizes everything good and normal. Fox News Channel is not a real news organization. Republicans want to kill old people. Sarah Palin is responsible for the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. American conservatives are complicit in the mass murder spree in Norway of Anders Breivik. It never ends. To the left, scapegoating is like breathing. It’s a very nasty form of lying.

Most of us, when we hear the word ‘evil,’ tend to think of great crimes, wars of aggression, genocides, terror attacks, Satanic cults and so on. But the building block of evil is much more “humble.” It is the lie. The lie is the cellular structure of what makes up all of the most horrendous evil in this world. We can fight it by calmly exposing lies as lies.

David Kupelian is vice president and managing editor of WND.com, editor of Whistleblower and bestselling author of “The Marketing of Evil” and “How Evil Works.”’

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