Thursday, February 7, 2013

Napolitano: Obama 'stealing' American lives

Michael Savage, Doug Hagmann's source at DHS, and now Judge Napolitano have all said the end of the dollar and our economy is coming. I know that this will sound extreme, but it's becoming clear to me why DHS has been stockpiling so much ammunition, and why the government is trying to disarm all us citizens; it's to shoot us if and when we dare to protest Obama trashing the dollar and we can't get any food.

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'“I’ve argued on Fox and elsewhere that we don't have two political parties anymore. We have one political party, the big government party. It has a Republican wing that likes war and deficits and corporate welfare. It has a Democratic wing that likes war and taxes and individual welfare. Both wings have a single goal and that is staying in power.

“Honestly, it would take half the Congress and the White House with a small government, maximum individual liberty, Ron Paul-like mentality for these changes to come about,” he said.

“If they don’t come about peacefully, they’ll probably come about by other means. Sooner or later the federal government is going to run out of money, and so many people will be dependent upon the federal cash which will stop coming that they will all kinds of horrific things in order to eat and to live,” Napolitano said. “At this point, there probably will be a revolution which will end up in a small government or many small governments or a totalitarian and then the totalitarian will probably be overthrown.'

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