Saturday, January 16, 2010

American Vote. info

This is a link to a website with lots of worthwhile information. For example, taken from a section called A NEW AMERICAN MANIFESTO:


"It has become readily apparent that our American system of governance is broken, corrupted, ineffective, and destructive. We now find that we have an unresponsive government in place which no longer sees a need to listen to the people for whom those entrusted individuals work."

The remedy in the short term: states use nullification against new federal laws.

"If the federal government passes a law that is unconstitutional the state legislature just simply writes a resolution, passes it in both houses, then sends it to the be signed by the governor telling the federal government that the law does not exist in the state. No Supreme Court case, no lawyers, the state simply says no. This is well within the state's duties and rights. If that is not enough, then you have the Virginia Resolution of that same year written by James Madison, known as the Father of the Constitution. In this document he tells Virginia that the only way the union is to survive is for the states to watch over the federal government to be sure they exercise only the powers assigned to them and agreed upon in the Constitution.'

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