Friday, January 29, 2010

Quite something! - 12/4/2009

Quite something. This collection of editorials from Investors Business Daily is a snapshot of the country being run, from the Federal Reserve to you don’t really have property rights any more, to Barbara Boxer and global warming, to the KGB tactics of Vladimir Putin, to seizing control of the Internet, to Senator Dud (Dodd) trying to set up a new financial agency to give the government more control of you, to how we’re going to fight really hard, then quit to go home, and tell Al Qaida about this plan.

I don’t know about you, but when I was born in 1943, it was not clear that the United States would be a winner of World War II. It was an honor to serve your country and there were strong leaders. I started paying closer attention to politics during the Nixon fiasco. It is clear to me that limited government control is the better way to go. The editorials cite normal everyday typical problems we American citizens have to deal with. Just when you think how could it possibly get worse, Obama plays his next card.

I think that God wants my role to be reading the news and sharing it with you. There sure is enough of it. If you agree, fine. If you disagree, tell me and I’ll drop you from the mailing list.

Bruce Graves

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