Wednesday, September 19, 2012

UN Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

Agenda 21 is pathetic. The US should get rid of the UN and quit peeing away our money at it.

On Monday, October 15, 2012, at 6:30 PM Hal Shurtleff of the John Birch Society has invited all interested people to a discussion of the dangers of Agenda 21. Where: Parker Library, 28 Arlington Street, Dracut, MA. iNFO; (978) 569-5004 OR (857) 498-1309

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"UN Agenda 21 makes suggestions and recommendations that are adapted into law at the state and local levels through comprehensive land use plans which are voted on and included by the board of supervisors into local zoning codes. Citizens do not understand its damaging ramifications to their private property, the ability to make a living, to use their land, grow food in their gardens, sell their produce freely, and engage in agriculture. Local land owners do not have the opportunity to provide their input into the decision-making process, they are at the mercy of “visioning committees” and the board of supervisors, often plants or paid subscribers to the One World Government’s UN Agenda 21 document."

1 comment:

  1. Now, we can see the negative effects of the things that we did to our environment. Being an Environmental Contractor to rebuild nature is a very good start to lessen the effects. Lets rebuild our world.
