Monday, July 25, 2011

Cutting U.S. down to size

Barbara Simpson is right on. Why are we doing this to our military?


"How have we come to the point that our military seem more and more to be pawns in the real war that's going on – the war of politics?

The leaders of this country and of our military have so succumbed to the politically correct dogma of "let's not offend Islam" that we are routinely offering our young as sacrifices. And that is exactly what they have become in the eyes of the government.

When was the last time you heard any politician, from the president on down, talk about this? When have any of them talked about the supposed goal of the "wars" and what we are doing to win?

And that's the problem. We don't admit it's a war. Oh, it's kinetic military action. Right.

Since we don't admit it's a war, then we can't define what win means. In fact, we ignore that.
If we don't know why we are there and what the ultimate goal is, then how do we know when it's "over"?

The truth is, there is no "over" and there is no "end." We are in the midst of and expanding (think Libya) on what appears to be a constant state of low-level war – troops are there, there is limited combat, there are weasely attacks on our troops by a primitive, barbarian enemy and it appears our greatest concern is not being too hard on the other guys – you know, the ones traditionally called "enemies."

But we can't use that word today. It might make them feel bad while they plot more insidious ways to kill our troops."

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