Sunday, July 10, 2011

Agenda 21: conspiracy theory or real threat?

While we tend to look at Obama and Congress, we are slowly being surrounded with cities and towns that have been sucked in to the belief that they are "doing the right thing" supporting the planet with Agenda 21.


"It will be difficult to defeat Agenda 21 because it requires changing the attitudes of over 600 separate localities across the U.S. Ideally, a conservative president could roll back the executive orders implementing it, but considering Republican President H.W. Bush was a disappointment in this area that may be too much to hope for. If Republicans take over Congress they could challenge the huge power grab Obama made with Executive Order 13575 and ban Agenda 21 in the U.S.

For now, local activists must champion this issue, much like Texans for Accountable Government has done, educating local boards and commissions and serving on them. Agenda 21 is a tedious and overwhelming topic, and until it can be explained in an easy-to-understand way that interests the average American, it will be tough to beat back."

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