Saturday, February 12, 2011

Right-Left Paradigm - We have a 2 party system - NOT!

Think about a group that has a slow and steady turtle as its logo -- the Fabian Socialists. The Fabian Society is Britain’s leading left of center think tank and political society. The way Fabian Socialists approach their goal of world domination is through very patient gradualism. Rather than violent uprisings to gain power, they wear their enemies down by slowly putting people into powerful positions during a generation or two. 24 minutes of videos.


"Agenda 21 has a scheme to fit both parties. For example, when the Left is in power, the Wildlands Project (the "protection" of wildlife by removing humans from 50% of America's landscape) is pursued. Land is nationalized for parks. Land is made worthless by preventing extraction of resources (like water, timber, oil, etc) through the Endangered Species Act. Eminent domain is inflicted upon landowners. The overall scheme is to take land from private landowners and to push people into cities.

When the Right holds power, Smart Growth (the concentration of people into cities, building up, not out, and mixed use buildings). A common vehicle to accomplish this is the PPP (Public-Private Partnership) in which corporations or other entities partner with the government for profit. This can happen when state and local governments go bankrupt and then sell off land, utilities, water, sewage systems, roads, etc. The corporation is interested in profit and uses the government to influence and enforce policies.

The overall net plan is to abolish private property by consolidating people into cities, and barring us from nature, preventing economic development and preventing extraction of resources (like water, oil, timber, etc)."

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