Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elections chief: Constitution 'important'

Obama fights on to hide his real birth certificate. I have a hope that there is a court somewhere that will stop delaying and do its job. It's only been a YEAR AND A HALF DELAY so far!


'Nelson told the newspaper, "Yes, meeting the constitutional qualifications to be president is a very important issue. If President Obama isn't constitutionally qualified, it would be the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American people. MANY people contacted me as Secretary of State prior to and after the election asking how Obama could be on our ballot given this controversy. Absent a court finding that he isn't a natural born citizen, we have to take the certification from the National Democratic Convention at face value."

He told WND the appropriate venue for questions to be resolved would be the court system, and WND has reported on many cases brought over the last 18 months.'

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