Thursday, August 8, 2013

America's Soviet-style police state

Fortunately, Judge Andrew Napolitano is not intimidated by repercussions coming from Obama's massive and unconstitutional acting federal government and the NSA as he continues to speak out against America's Soviet-style police state.

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"How is it that the government can charge Edward Snowden with espionage for telling a journalist that the feds have been spying on all Americans and many of our allies, but the NSA itself, in a public relations campaign intended to win support for its lawlessness, can reveal secrets and do so with impunity? That question goes to the heart of the rule of law in a free society.
Now comes Obama, who is quarterbacking the most massive end run around the Constitution in modern times by invading everyone’s right to be left alone in the name of national security, but in reality for any governmental purpose the government wishes.
It is painfully obvious that the government is not troubled by its own violation of the Constitution. The people in the government who have done this are far more concerned with their retention of power than they are with protecting our personal liberties."

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