Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trent Amen - A disappointed small business owner

This article is from Stewart from a California newspaper. Thanks Stewart.


"As a business owner for over 19 years, I find myself in a disappointing position. Running a company that manufactures products in America I have found it a challenge to find those willing to do the work for a reasonable price. I have been advised by others to use cheaper China labor more times than I can remember. I have kept my manufacturing in America with the one hope that Americans will wake up one day and see that small companies are the backbone of this country. We employ, we spend, we invest, and we add momentum and strength to our country. More than any other sector, small business builds and innovates adding to our national strength.

I have paid Americans hundreds of thousands of dollars more to do the same job I can have done in China for a fraction of the cost. Why? Because I love our country and want to invest in it.

I fall asleep each night grateful for those I value, respect and love and my employees are very much considered a part of that group. I am confident most business owners would understand and agree with this sentiment.

In our American capitalistic system schools are important, but without business we have no schools. Fire protection is important, but without business we have no fire protection, law enforcement, regulatory agencies, public sector jobs, all part of a system built by capitalism and our freedoms and rights to conduct free trade.

The first time Americans voted in President Obama could be described as an understandable mistake. His speeches were very seductive to those that didn't understand or those that have been removed from what drives our country forward and what our country was truly built upon.

But twice?

I see this election to show our country has turned its back against business, against freedom and yes, even against the extreme efforts I have made, as well as many others like me to keep our country first in our business decisions.

While the jobs lost to overseas by a company my size may be just a few, the countless other companies that may be forced to make the same decision now are without doubt a major impact to our nation.

I fear that both the left's and right's individual retirements, based upon our stock market, will soon show the loss of faith in our government. A fiscally irresponsible leader does not and cannot foster an environment of investment security.

I, for one, was striving to see something in Obama's first four years to get behind — something that could help me to hold my head up high when the eyes of the world look our direction. I have failed to find anything note worthy.

He is an excellent speaker, a well-groomed man who is well poised and spoken. A man with a beautiful family with shining faces and smiles. However, his actions speak of a man that is either ignorant to the workings and needs of this country or, worse yet, indifferent to them.

How can so many intelligent, good-hearted people see him in a light so different than I do? How can those I know so well, who have similar upbringings and education see in him a man worthy of giving their valued vote and trust.

I have always stood behind our elected president and will continue to do so with the belief that there is more in God's plan than I am able to see. I am still proud to have friends on either side of the political chasm.

My words here are truly meant to express a quick release of confusion over how so many can be so far apart ideologically. I am left with prayer and a concern for the future of my wife and two children in a country where it truly appears freedom and opportunity is being eroded.

Hope for our country's future is never lost. We are an incredibly resilient people.

However, I find it increasingly more difficult to bring hope for our country into focus after such an election.

If the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child" has any truth to it, then quite possibly, it may take a country to raise a good president. Lend your voices to causes you see that need a voice. Let those in government know your concerns. This can be done all the way down to your local representatives. You might keep in mind to do so in a way that shows respect, even if you feel you have been shown little respect yourself.

Problem solving seldom comes through bickering. I would hope that you stay true to your beliefs but do not stagnate due to a closed mind.

It's been said that there is always opportunity for growth in times of conflict. My desire is to see growth in all sides, as after this election, it appears we could all use some.

May God guide and protect those that govern this great country, as well as the governed."

Trent Amen is a business owner in Cottonwood.

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